
Day 1: Wednesday, March 24

Theme: Coastal Systems I

4:00 Jessica Thomas – DartmouthTitle: Micro-siting and Nitrogen Removal Efficiency of a Liquid Injection Permeable Reactive Barrier (PRB)
4:15 Ava Kreider-Mueller –  Dartmouth Title: A combined Ti(III)-Azide reducing reagent for the chemical conversion of nitrates to N2O for d15N isotopic analysis 
4:30 Shannon Hogan – Boston Title: Microplastic Pollution on Nantucket Island 
Nicholas Uline – Title: Seasonal Nitrogen Mineralization in Estuarine Sediments in Response to Oyster Aquaculture (Lightning Talk Only)

Theme: Fisheries I

4:00 Tabitha Breault – Dartmouth Title: Spatial overlap between sand lance and Atlantic cod in Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary
4:15 Mike Coute – Dartmouth – Title: The Impact of Feeding Frequency on the Food Consumption of Juvenile Tautog (Tautoga onitis) in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems
4:30 Alison Frey – Dartmouth Title: Assessing potential impacts of offshore wind development on Southern New England cod

Theme: Physical Oceanography I

4:00 Caique Dias Luko – DartmouthTitle: Revisiting the South Equatorial Current
4:15 Siddhant Kerhalkar – DartmouthTitle: High Resolution Observations of Diurnal Warm Layers in the Bay of Bengal during the Indian Summer Monsoon 2019

Theme: Advances in Ocean Technology

4:00 Aleks Bourgoun – Dartmouth Title: Characterization of optimal surface geometry to enhance lifetime of underwater super-hydrophobic surfaces​
4:15 Patrick Pasteris – DartmouthTitle: Aurelia Project: A low-cost buoyancy vehicle for upper ocean data
4:30 Maxwell Shangraw – Dartmouth Title: Improving Digital Holography to Track 3D Bacterial Motion 

Theme: Remote Sensing / Imaging 

4:00 Marceonila Cunha – DartmouthTitle: Satellite Image Coastal Monitoring
4:15 Neeharika Verma – Dartmouth – Title: High Resolution Characterization of Phytoplankton Community Composition in a Large River-Influenced Coastal Margin Using Underway Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Reflectance
4:30 Shuai Zhang – BostonTitle: Field Research of JPSS VIIRS Ocean Color Calibration/Validation Cruise

Day 2: Thursday, March 25

Theme: Coastal Systems II

3:45 Elizabeth Ells – DartmouthTitle : Nitrogen Removal Techniques: Unique forms of denitrification
4:00 Ting Wang – Lowell Title: Inorganic and methylated mercury dynamics in tidal water of a salt marsh estuary in Massachusetts
4:15 Alanna Mnich – Dartmouth Title: Early Stages of Eastern Caribbean Cephalopods: Identification, Abundance, and Distribution

Theme: Fisheries II

3:45 Olivia Aguiar – Dartmouth – Title: Variation in Market Composition and Price Between New England Seafood Markets
4:00 Kim Sawicki – Dartmouth – Title: Subsea Buoy Retrieval Systems for Pot and Trap Fisheries
4:15 Jonathan Cummings – Dartmouth – Title: Overlooked steps: bringing additional decision analysis practices to Management Strategy Evaluation

Theme: Physical Oceanography II

3:45 Bailey Avila – Dartmouth – Title: Stratification Anomalies and the Transfer of Energy to Internal Waves and Vortical Mode
4:00 Caue Zirnberger Lazaneo – Dartmouth – Title: Submesoscale Coherent Vortices in the South Atlantic Ocean: A pathway for energy dissipation
4:15 Adrienne Silver – Dartmouth Title: Interannual and Seasonal Asymmetries in Gulf Stream Ring Formations from 1980 to 2019

Theme: Physical Oceanography III

3:45 Mitchelle Agonsi – Dartmouth – Title: Fall Bloom Variability in a Warming Mid Atlantic Bight
4:00 Filipe Pereira – Dartmouth – Title: Plankton dynamics in a baroclinically unstable Brazil Current meander
4:15 Iury T. Simoes-Sousa – DartmouthTitle: The mixed-layer eddies parameterization and vertical flux of biological tracers